@DesirousofChange: again, don't let a few tarnish the many. The NYT has been a sensational rag since Hillary ran vs Obama and they lost tons and tons of subscribers due to dishonest coverage. They never recovered, same goes for CNN and MSNBC, they lost tons of viewers over the last decade and are now relegated to sensational headlines and opinion pieces without substance.
Luckily we do have a rather large body of small independent journalist sites (eg the Daily Wire) that are open about their biases. I get all my news from independent channels on YouTube and podcasts which can go in deep and honest detail of a particular issue.
As far as the topic at hand, what I got from my sources is that it's a potentially major issue, it won't spread far beyond China because we have better healthcare and an open media, similar to the SARS and other outbreaks in China. Also, it's a deadlier virus than the cold but it is still a cold which doesn't mean automatic death and it's relatively easy to contain and prevent spreading.